The Business Leaders Essential Guide to Innovation
How to generate ground breaking ideas and bring them to market
Innovation is so essential in business today and yet at the same time is so rarely properly applied or implemented.
Most businesses are founded on the back of a great idea, a true piece of innovation or a realisation that something could be done differently or better. But innovation is a sequence of ideas and actions that will take you forwards into the future, not a one-off event.
One of the prime reasons that businesses fail is because they run out of ideas or the energy to pursue them. They also often lack the discipline and process to put those ideas into practise.

Overview - The How, Who, What and Where of Innovation
In The Business Leaders Essential Guide to Innovation, renowned business adviser, Stephen Dann sets out the methods, the tools, and the techniques to enable your business to create ground breaking ideas and implement them.

For Business Owners, Directors and Entrepreneurs
Whether you are a business owner, director, or entrepreneur, The Business Leaders Essential Guide to Innovation enables you to progress the right ideas with the greatest opportunity for your business, and to invest your time in developing new concepts and ideas that will give you a robust way forward.


"The Business Leaders Essential Guide to Innovation provides you with practical tools to generate new ideas, select the best of those ideas, and then develop them into products and services that will provide your business with commercial advantage. My only criticism of this book is that it was not available 30 years ago". (Chuck Dymer, Founder and president of Brilliance Activator, a creative thinking and innovation consultancy)
Six Thinking Hats Worksheet: One of the most widely used of Edward de Bono’s tools, is Six Thinking Hats®. This can be used in many contexts to improve the quality of thinking and decision making.
Opportunity Scorecard: Develop a clear understanding of each opportunity with an objective assessment which explains the idea further and scores it.
Development Plan Template: Projects should be defined at a high level with a named “champion” who oversees the project and reports back to the innovation board.