200 Days to go

Published by Stephen Dann in Growth · 1 January 2021
Tags: Growth
So its the start of another New Year - lots of resolutions made, very few will be kept but good intentions all the same.

Business resolutions are sometimes harder to define but easier to keep especially if they are well defined (SMART).

At the start of a year you have about 200 working days ahead of you - the question is "what are you going to do with them?"

Your calendar for 2021 will be mostly blank. If you want a different result this year you will not achieve it by doing the same things as last year a bit harder.

So right now you have total freedom and can choose to define how you will use that time - or you can sit back and let events take over!

200 working days = 1600 hours.

How much time on New business & Sales? Marketing? Operations? HR? Personal development? Customers? Finance?

Write down your time split and then check that you stick to it!
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